Conference Description

The European Plant Cytoskeletal Club is an informal meeting, whose main goal is to intensify contacts between people focusing their research on plant cytoskeleton, to enable them to discuss their current results, and to stimulate their further co-operation. We believe that a European meeting focused on plant aspects of the cytoskeleton is a beneficial supplement of meetings held outside of the Europe, or meetings focused predominantly on the medical aspects of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton. This year meeting will be held at the ENS de Lyon (France) on the 12th and 13th of June 2025.

Local organizing team from the laboratory of Plant Development and Reproduction (RDP), ENS de Lyon

  • Charlotte Kirchhelle
  • Marie-Cécile Caillaud
  • Benoit Landrein

RDP website

Important Information

The conference is free for all participants. Participants can submit their abstract if they wish to give a presentation, or present a poster (without or with flashtalk) after registration. Abstract submisssion and registration will close on the 15th of May 2025. In case of problems/In need of information, contact

The European Plant Cytoskeleton Club

If you want to know more about the EPCC and its past conferences, visit their website!

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